The Disconnected Dad: Weapons of Mass Distraction

Hey, guys! I’m Seth Dahl. I am a husband, father of three young children, and pastor at a large church. If you didn’t already know, I’m on a journey to becoming “The Disconnected Dad.” I set apart 30 days where I lived without the internet in my home, logged the effects it had on my connection with my family, and now I’m sharing it with you in a podcast. The Disconnected Dad podcast is available to download on iTunes.

In the last episode of The Disconnected Dad podcast, the purpose of doing this began to unfold. I realized many people live with a subtle victim mentality, living in a constant state of reacting to what they don't want to happen, rather than pursuing what they do want to happen. I’m choosing to become more disconnected from social media because I want more connection with my family. I don’t want my life reacting to notifications when I could be responding in relationship.

I’m starting to realize now, on day 18, that if for some reason I were to completely lose my phone, I would be okay. I caught myself nearly leaving my phone at home this week which is something I haven’t done in a very long time. Strangely enough, I feel like my ability to reach for knowledge within myself is heightened. The knowledge that’s inside me is naturally coming out of me with ease. I feel much less reliant on information from a screen, and much less reliant on my phone in general.

In the past, I would reflexively reach for my phone in moments of discomfort thus minimizing intimacy, and avoiding uncomfortable or awkward situations. Since I have removed my phone as a crutch in moments where I would rather hide or disengage, I’ve noticed that I am able to respond to and communicate with my emotions more quickly. Overall, life without social media at home has helped me become more efficient.

Subscribe to the podcast to hear more of the journey of how I got here and how I plan to reintegrate the internet into my home. The Disconnected Dad podcast is available for download on iTunes! Don’t forget to Subscribe, Rate, and Review!