Christmas List: 10 Gifts for Parents

Bunny Clock

This is our favorite alarm clock for small children! It is so empowering for children to know that when the bunny wakes up, they can to get out of bed.


Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Trust for the Momma's Heart by Becky Thompson

This book by my friend Becky Thompson is the perfect gift for any mom who needs refreshing this time of year!


Love Unending: Rediscovering Your Marriage in the Midst of Motherhood by Becky Thompson

Becky Thompson does it again! You can pre-order this book and have it delivered just after the new year. It's a 21 day journey that will transform your marriage (ps: you can get the first 5 days for free now at


How to Talk So Your Kids Will Listen by H. Norman Wright

The title says it all. As parents we all want to know how to talk and listen to our children. This book gave us some simple changes to make that greatly helped our communication with our children.


Children and the Supernatural by Jennifer Toledo

Learning about God is important, but knowledge is supposed to lead to personal encounters with Him. No one creates a better place for this to happen than my friend Jennifer Toledo, I can't recommend this book more highly.


Artificial Maturity: Helping Kids Meet the Challenge of Becoming Authentic Adults by Tim Elmore

In this book, Tim Elmore helps us, as parents, know how to raise our kids to be healthy adults. What parent doesn't want that? Beware though, this book gives a much needed reality check.


Growing Up with God by Shawn Bolz

"Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” If we want our kids to grow up in the life God has for them, they must know how to hear His voice. My friend Shawn Bolz demonstrates this better than anyone I've seen, and this book for children will equip them to do so as well.

The Ways of Royalty by Kris Vallotton

In a time where identity is confusing for most, this book teaches children who God says they are. The adult version of this book transformed my life and this version will do the same for your kids. 


Can You Hear Me?: Tuning in to the God Who Speaks by Brad Jersak

Another great book with very simple and practical ways for our kids to learn to hear God speak. Brad Jersak is a genius!


Parenting Children for a Life of Faith by Rachel Turner

My friend Rachel Turner has impacted me as a pastor and parent more than most people ever will. She brings what many think is supposed to happen in church right into our homes. Her message is loud and clear that our homes are the first Sunday Schools and we parents are our kids' the first pastors.