Declare: Today I Will Be A Good Influence On The People Around Me

I wanted to encourage you today with a declaration for you to make with your kids, “Today I will be a good influence on the people around me.” A declaration like this changes how our kids approach their friends. Instead of being on defense and focusing only on not letting bad influences in, they’re on offense, being a good influence to the people around them. A declaration like this is amazing for what it can do in our children’s lives.

Watch this video as I unpack this truth:

In a nutshell:

  • Of course it is wise to be careful who you choose to be your friends. This matters and is very important! You do become like the people you spend time with. 

  • The problem is the mindset that often comes along with it, that no matter what you do, you will only be influenced by those around you, and you have no power in influencing people for good.

  • It’s possible for our kids to be a good influence!

  • We want our kids to know, “Greater is He that is in me than He is in the world.” 1 John 4:4

  • This does NOT mean choosing the worst friends in the world that are a bad influence on me and they wear me down over time. 

  • This DOES mean that I can think, no matter who comes across my path, I am not powerless, I have Christ in me, and I can pull up the people around me.

This is the mindset we want for our kids! They can go on offense and be the ones to influence others and call them up to a higher standard. 

When our kids know Who lives inside of them and how He has empowered them, they can make a huge difference to everyone around them! We want our kids to be wise and pick good friends, but we also want them to know that they can be a good influence and they are not powerless.