The Disconnected Dad: Make a Way to Go Home

I recently interviewed Becky Thompson, author of “Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma’s Heart,” and founder of Scissortail Silk - a Facebook community of 96K moms. The following blog is excerpted from Episode 1 of the Disconnected Dad podcast series available for subscription November 18, 2016 on iTunes.

A lot of parents today use Facebook for news updates. They may not have time to sit down and watch their local news in the morning, but they know if they check their social media they’ll be informed quickly. It is also a common way to decompress from a long day.

Every generation has their ways of unwinding. Today, it’s often the internet. Relaxation is healthy, but Becky shared the importance of creating a careful balance, and not letting it get out of hand.

She remembers playing outside with the neighborhood kids when she was younger. While the kids played, the moms would sit in the driveway and chat. It was beautiful because her mom always had the ability to say, “It’s time for bed, let’s go home.” There was a clear distinction between community and home.

Because so much of our lives are now lived online, there’s not always an obvious cut off. What’s acceptable on social media isn’t always appropriate for real life. It’s important that as we use social media, we don’t lose the ability to “go home.” This correlates directly with the heart of the Disconnected Dad. “To define the line and protect it,” as Becky phrased it.

To hear more of Becky’s stories and input on protecting connection at home, make sure you head over to iTunes to download The Disconnected Dad podcast and catch up on my journey! Make sure to subscribe, rate, and review!