The Disconnected Dad: Balancing Social Media and Connection

I recently interviewed Becky Thompson, author of Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth for the Momma’s Heart, and founder of Scissortail Silk - a Facebook community of 96K moms. The following blog is excerpted from Episode 1 of the Disconnected Dad podcast series available for subscription November 18, 2016, on iTunes.

In the interview, Becky discussed the lack of connection felt by many moms today. She said, “There is a careful balance between the connection a mom craves and the attention social media steals.”

Social media has a tendency to blur lines dangerously. As I mentioned in the previous blog, what’s appropriate on social media isn’t always appropriate in real life.

The trick is to live in such a way that your online community doesn’t fill your emotional needs. Too many dads today try to fill their need for significance through the number of followers they have online and the feedback they see on their screen. Then, unfortunately, when they walk out of their houses every morning, they don’t feel important or needed. Let’s be real; your online community can’t replace your true community and your need for significance can’t be derived from the amount of “likes” on your Instagram.

If you find yourself in this place, congratulations! As cliche as it sounds, recognizing your lack of connection it is the first tremendous step in your journey to connection at home.

Becky, a wife and mom herself, said, “An honest conversation about your desires and intentions for connection would ripple through your entire home.”

If you or your spouse are desperate for connection with each other and want to hear more, make sure you download the podcast—available now on iTunes! Please make sure to subscribe, rate, and review!