Three Ways to Help Your Children be More Sensitive to God's Leading.

It’s every Christian parent’s dream that their kids would follow God. For that to happen, they have to be sensitive to His leading. Luckily, for children, this often comes naturally. That being said, we don’t necessarily have to train them to become sensitive, we simply have to show them how He leads them.

The more our children know how He leads them, the more sensitive they will become.

Here are my 3 favorite (though not only) ways to help them be more sensitive to God’s leading.

1)    Asking questions. There are many times our children experience difficult things, and it can be easy for them to be overwhelmed with the situation. In these times, questions help so much. Say your child is having a hard time at school. They come home and tell you all their friends said and did that hurt them.

Asking them, “What’s Jesus saying to you about this?” is a good place to start.

Many times, our children tell us what others are doing instead of asking Jesus what He’s doing.

2)    Paying attention to dreams. When my children wake up in the morning, I often ask them if they had any dreams. After years of doing this, my children now know God leads them this way, and many times they come to us and tell us what they were.

3)    Telling stories. My kids love Winnie the Pooh stories, so when I tell them, I often teach them about ways God will lead them. I tell them stories of Winnie having a hard day but asking Jesus what He’s saying about it. I tell them Winnie finds himself in a place where he doesn’t know what to do, but then he remembers a dream he had. I tell them how Winnie remembers a Bible story that’s similar to what he’s going through. I use our story time as a time to teach my children ways God will lead them.

God is leading your children constantly. He is their ever present help in time of need. With these 3 simple ideas, you can help them become more sensitive to His leading.

I’m sure some of you have others ways you do this, so please leave me a comment with things you do to help your children.