Releasing Kingdom Children

In 2014, I had an interesting conversation with a friend. He'd led his son to the Lord but wasn't sure he'd done it right. I realized then that parents need help. 

The first church is the home, and the first pastors are the parents, yet many parents have never worked with any children but their own. There are many who feel unequipped to lead their children in the things of God. For years, I have worked to create powerful services for children's ministries, but if what happens inside church does not happen in the home, it is not a lifestyle, and the children are at risk of believing Christianity is event based. 

Working with thousands of children over the last 15 years, I have a strength that many parents could benefit from: I know how to minister to children. 

Since that conversation, I've been working to create a course that would help families encounter God together, as well as minister to the world around them. After a recent trip to Austria, where I trained both children and parents at the same time, I witnessed firsthand how powerful this is for families. I gave simple teachings directed toward the children, and many parents commented on them saying it was easy for them to understand as well. We then sent them out on Treasure Hunts to pray for people in the community, and the stories were amazing. 

God told a 10 year old boy he would meet another boy named David. When the boy arrived at a basketball court, he knew David was one of the boys playing across the court. He approached the boy and asked his name. Sure enough, the boy's name was David. They chatted a little and explained that God had told the first boy they would meet. David told him his family was Christian, but he wasn't. He then allowed the family to pray with him. The family came back knowing God had sent them to bring that boy back to Him. This story was one of many. 

Being a parent of three children myself, I realized a course for parents needed to be as concise as possible due to the time constraints we as parents have. I've made short 5 minute videos—each with it's own one minute homework video. I've included a workbook to supplement each teaching, and a journal to keep track of all God does through these times together. 

My prayer is that this course will empower you, as parents, to train your children to be like the Arrows of Psalm 127:4. May you release kingdom children to change the course of history once and for all.