Election Day Thoughts About The Future of Our Children

Working with children all over the world for the past 15 years, one thing is certain, children are born into a world they do not choose.

They do not choose what family they are born into nor whether their parents are married. 
They do not choose how much money their parents make nor how much debt their parents have accrued. 
They do not choose the house they live in, the neighborhood, the state, nor the country. 
They do not choose the color of their skin nor their gender. 
All of these choices are completely out of their control and most of these choices are ours. 

Our children are always subject (at first) to the choices of their parents. 

Today in America, we helped choose the president of the country we raise them in. That president will choose other people who will also make choices that will affect our children. 

Our children will not get the privilege of making these types of choices for many years to come and yet many of those coming years are determined by what we did on election day.

This, of course, is never limited to what we chose on election day. No, our children are affected by our decisions every single day. Every time we choose to love, to hold them, to teach them, they are affected. Every time we help them solve a problem or work through a relational challenge, they are affected. Every time they see us read the Bible and pray, they are affected. Every time we give money to someone who doesn't have what we have, they are affected. 

We, as a nation, are so concerned about the future of our children and most of that concern is based solely on what happens when the ballots are counted. But I'd like to challenge us to look deeper than the ballots, beyond the White House, and into our own homes. I'd like to dare us to look into our own lives. 

Am I making the decisions today that will cause my children to grow up and be able to make good decisions for themselves?
More than good decisions, will they be able to make godly decisions?

I want to help you, as a parent, raise godly children and empower you to release them into the world to be a godly influence on it. My new parenting course ‘Arrows: Releasing Kingdom Children’ will help you do just that. Over 13 weeks, with the support of short videos, a workbook and a journal, I will help you be the best parent you can be. Together, we will see America’s future secure in the hands of our children.

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