It's About Love (Part 3)

Love is the foundation but also the structure of God’s Kingdom. The world’s definition of love is different than the love that God talks about. What the world claims is “love” is an inferior and watered down version of what the Kingdom says is love.
Unfortunately, in our culture we only have one word for love.
"I love pizza" and "I love my daughter" are completely different levels of love. I wouldn't die for a slice of pizza but I would die for my daughter. When we communicate love to our children, are we communicating God’s definition of love?
After training a large group of children to give prophetic words, they were given an opportunity to prophesy over adults in an adult conference. Following this time of prophecy, I asked the kids to share their testimonies.
As the kids shared their stories, I started noticing a pattern – they were making up things in order to feel significant. Some children just copied each other's testimony and retold it as their own. Usually this doesn't bother me, as kids can tend to copy one another, but I could sense there was something more going on.
The Lord told me that what was reflected as “valuable” in the adult services was being translated to the children and that my next step should be to focus on teaching the children about love. In small groups, I had the kids read 1 Corinthians line-by-line and discuss its meaning. By the end of the conference, I saw the kids completely shift because we emphasized love.
Love never fails. From love flows the signs and wonders. We will see the dead rise, nations saved in a day, and God’s glory covering the earth like the waters cover the sea.
As we raise up children, the goal is for them to encounter Love Himself and then learn how to release Love into the world around them.
We are all on this journey to love! I know I haven't gotten there in my own life but one day I want to known as one who loved well. Wouldn't that be amazing? To be known by the Father because you loved Him and those around you well.  
Take courage when you train up the next generation, remembering that the most powerful thing you can teach them is to surrender to the Love of God.
From there you will see radical change. No one can encounter the Love of God and not be completely changed by it. I bless you on the journey of training up a powerful generation who knows what love looks like.

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