releasing kingdom children
Arrows: Releasing Kingdom Children is a 13 week parenting video course designed to equip parents in raising their children to live a kingdom lifestyle. The name comes from Psalm 127. Like warriors of old hand-crafted their arrows and released them to defeat the enemy, we as parents get to partner with God in preparing our children and releasing them to destroy the enemy, bringing God's kingdom to earth. This 13 week course consists of two online video lessons per week. However, the course is also flexible so parents can go through it at their own pace. These short video teachings are easy to view on the go and are also accompanied by a workbook and homework to give you practical activations you can do with your children. Included is a journal, so you can record what God shows you about your children over the years. It makes a meaningful gift for them when they are older as they can read what God has been saying about them since they were young. Additional journals are available for purchase so you can get one for each of your children.
This kit contains:
- Access to 26 online video lessons*
- Arrows Workbook
- 1 Arrows Journal
This course is designed for parents of children ages 4-12.
*Internet access is required to view videos. While we suggest two videos per week, all videos will be accessible and stay available so you can go at your own pace.
Want to do Arrows as a class for your church or home group?
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