Special offer!
Use code DECLARE5 to save $5 on any set of Declaration Prayer Cards!
“Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” Psalm 8:2
Your prayers and declarations are powerful! Pray and declare with praise in your heart and voice. It silences the enemy and anything he would try to say!
With so many of the declarations, it is simply praying/declaring the Bible. Any promise can be turned into a declaration!
The declaration card sets come with a poplar wood stand to display them in your home. We chose poplar wood based on the story in Genesis 30:25-43. In the story, Jacob was separating from Laban and needed to increase and strengthen his flock. He took rods of poplar, peeled white strips in them, and placed them in the water troughs where the sheep came to drink. By doing so, he changed what they were looking at, and thereby changed what their children looked like. Instead of reproducing what their parents had passed on to them, they were now reproducing according to what their shepherd had shown them.
This is a picture of Jesus our Good Shepherd. By showing us His promises for our families and His words to and about us, He changes what we are looking at and focusing on, which will cause us and our children to live out the type of life He has for us.
Our prayer with these cards is that they will help you see more clearly who you are to God, who He’s called your children to be, and to help you agree with His truth over your family.