Do Your Kids Know What Jesus Paid For?

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Easter is just around the corner! It can feel like this season comes up so quickly that we just go through the easter egg hunts and family dinner, and we miss the opportunity to teach our kids what Easter is all about.

While the Easter bunny is cute and Easter egg hunts can be fun times with your family, I don’t want you to miss out on the hero of this season: Jesus. If your kids find the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection to be boring or familiar, chances are they’re missing exactly what Jesus did on the cross. 

When we teach our kids about the death and resurrection of Jesus, most likely they are already saved. They already know Jesus, but so often they need to be reminded of how saved they really are!

This activation is really powerful for your kids to understand what Jesus did on the cross: 

Have your kids list all the good things about Jesus they can think of. Next, have them write out any sins they have done that they can think of. Then have them write down the feelings they’ve had as a result as well as any names they’ve taken. For example: I lied to a friend last week, I felt guilty, and now I think I’m a liar.

After they finished their list, ask the following questions: 

  • What do you deserve for all these things you’ve done wrong? Do you get in trouble for these things?

  • Do you get punished for things like these?

  • What do you think God should do about these?

  • Do you think He should punish you?

  • Should you be in trouble with Him for doing these things? Do you think He should be mad at you for these?

Everyone has a choice whether they want to keep all those sins, along the feelings and names that go with them, or whether they will bring them to Jesus and let Him take them. Invite your children to turn in their paper with the list of things they’ve done wrong, the feelings they feel, and the names they’ve believed as a prophetic act of putting them on the cross.

Read them the story of the crucifixion. The Bible says that when Jesus was whipped, He was paying for all our sicknesses so that we can be healed. When Jesus died on the cross, His blood also paid for all our sins. He paid for everything we’ve done wrong, and everything we will do wrong. Remember all of those things that you gave to Him to put on the cross? Jesus is taking all of it for you. 

Jesus didn’t just pay to take what we deserved; He also gives us what He deserves. After three days, Jesus rose back to life! He’s alive and has given you a brand new life, too. Jesus’ blood didn’t pay only for our sin and sickness. He also paid to give us all His good things. Remind them of the list they made of all the good things Jesus deserves. Jesus says your kids are worth it!

“He himself bore our sins’ in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ‘by His wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24. If there’s anyone in your family who needs healing, take some time to pray and thank Jesus for paying for that healing, and declare the sickness to go in Jesus’ name!

Don’t let your kids miss out on the real hero of Easter - Jesus! He paid the price to take what we deserve and give us what He deserves.

Looking for a meaningful gift to give for Easter? The Kids Declaration Card Set is filled with biblical truths for your kids to declare and be reminded of that help line up your kids’ beliefs about your family and themselves with the Truth of God’s word.

It is the great privilege of the believer to be able to pray and “Call those things that be not as though they were.”

This is why I created declaration card sets for the whole family. These beautifully designed cards carry powerful daily declarations, prayers, and reminders for your family to shift the atmosphere of your home and align your family’s thinking with Heaven.